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  • Design an dynamic ADC with some passband Frequency.
  • Design a circuit to get the time difference between two ttl pulses in microsecond.
  • Design an oscilloscope with 2 channel digital display system ? Block Diagram.
  • When we use op-amps inverting or non inverting we use resistors Rf and R1 in Kilo-Ohms for gain 10 or 11 . Why don’t we use 10 ohms and 1 ohm ? What is the problem with low resistances ? What is the problem with 10 M ohms and 100 M Ohms ?
  • Design a digital system that 1000 people are voting and at the end the systems shows total votes balloted and the candidate who won ?
  • .Draw an arrangement to indicate selected pin index and output state of a MUX ?
  • In CE amplifier with Re…How can you say that Re is feedback ? How can one say that emitter is common as it is not connected to ground Re is in between ?
  • What type of control system is used to reduce the external noise?
  • Adaptive Control System
  • Let Ussan Bolt is running and race starts with a gun triggering ann stop with touching the final rope then draw the counter to determine the time taken by him in mili n micro seconds.
  • Let there are five judges in india got talent and a contestant is selected if 3 or more judges say yes then design a digital cicuit for it.
  • Let a sine signal has 10k frequency and it is passing through a switch that becomes close at t=a n then it is given to a bpf hving range 9.5-10.5k then what will be output after and before t=a.
  • If Na n Nd for a pn junction is given then how can we calculate the depletion width.
  • What is the value of relative permittivity and ntrisic career concentration of Si
  • What is super beta transistor
  • Why we prefer GaAs than Si and Ge
  • Difference between microprocessor and microcontroller
  • Name some peripheral devices.
  • Function of DMA
  • Types of interrupt in 8085. Higher priority interrupt.Which one is non vectored interrupt. Which one is highly probable TRAP or HOLD if one interrupt is executing then another cab be active or not. How can we enable and disable the interrupt? What is sim and rim instructions. Explain number of address and data lines in 8085. What is address line multiplexing? what is the function of ALE? Maximum number of T-states possible in an instruction. What type of dma is used in 8085?
  • What type of control system is used in refrigerator and geyser?
  • What is proportional controller and draw its circuit diagram?
  • Advantages of PD controller?
  • What is CMRR and slew rate in op amp?
  • Condition of stability ?
  • What are rectifiers. Draw its circuit and waveform?
  • Which devices can be used for rectifiers?
  • Draw the graph of high Q and low Q factor?
  • Question related to second order system?
  • Types of systems and control actions
  • Draw a control system for a tank. Condition is that if water becomes more than 80% then water start flowing outside through a valve and if water becomes less than 20% then it starts filling the tank.
Apart from the core electronics they may ask question from general engineering so keep your common sense with you.

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