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PART - 2 

1. Analog and Digital Communication Systems: 15 questions of total 30 marks . (20%)

four (04) questions from analog communication systems . five (05) questions from random variable random process and noise . five (05) questions from digital communication systems. one (01) question from information theory. 

2. Control Systems: 17 questions of total 34 marks (22.66%)

one question from basics of control system,no question from block diagram and signal flow graph. five (05) questions from time domain analysis. two question from routh hurwitz stability criteria. one (01) question from root locus. four (04) question from frequency domain analysis . four (04) questions from compensator and controllers part.no direct question from state space analysis part .

3. Signal and system : 04 questions of total 08 marks (5.33 %)

no question from basic signal and systems.one (01) question from continuous and discrete time systems. No question from Fourier series. no question from CTFT . no question from Laplace transform directly. no question from DTFT and sampling . no question from z transform. three (03) questions from digital filters design and applications (UNEXPECTED from signals part )

4. Computer Organization and Architecture and microprocessors : 11 question of total 22 marks. (14.66 % )

no question from basic of computer organization and architecture. no question from i/o organization and pipe lining . one (01) question from  memory organization . no question from data representation and programming. one (01) question from data structures . six (06) questions from operating systems and data bases.one question from 8085. one question from 8086. three (03) questions from interfacing devices and micro controllers.

5. Electro Magnetics: 10 questions of total  20 marks. (13.33 % )

two (02) questions from vector calculus and Maxwell equations . two (2) questions from uniform plane wave part. three questions from trans mission lines . one (01) question from wave guide . two (02) questions from antenna part. 

6. Advanced Electronics Topics: 01 question of total 02 marks. (1.33 %)

one question of VLSI fabrication.

7. Advanced Communication Topics: 10 questions of total 20 marks . (13.33%)

five (05) questions from communication and cellular networks. four (04) questions from microwave and satellite communication. one question from fibre optics communications.

so from above analysis , it can be cocluded that most of questions of part two of technical paper one mainly comprise of control systems . analog and digital communication. and electromagnetics. for other topics it can be seen that questions are asked from one major part of that subject as in case of computer organisation questions are asked from data bases and operating system part.

so plan your exam strategy according to UPSC paper analysis.

good luck

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